
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Finish the Sentence Linkup

1. My favorite Christmas was....The year I begged and pleaded for a 'My Size Barbie', as I was groveling at my parents feet I left out the part that I only wanted it for the dress she was wearing. The second my dad released her from the 10,000 plastic twistie ties I ripped the dress off of the giant Barbie and put it on myself. For the rest of her life in my house she sat in the corner of my room wearing some of my clothes.
What little girl wouldn't want that dress?!
2. The worst Christmas I had...was when I had been asking for an "Easy Bake Oven'. My parents kept telling me I would not be receiving one because it was too much of a mess. Christmas morning rolled around and there was an Easy Bake Oven from Santa, I rubbed it in my parents faces that Santa loved me more than they did, and they acted very mad that Santa didn't listen when they said I wasn't allowed to have the oven. They even took it away from me and pretended they were going to send it back to Santa. I got it back a few days later after they 'had a chat with Santa', but I'm pretty sure I was the worst person to be around for the rest of the day.
3. That one gift that made me scratch my head and say, "Hmmmm" highschool boyfriend bought me this necklace that he thought was the greatest thing. Well I am here to tell you it was not...we had gone to Disney World earlier in the year for band and I guess he had been hiding it since then. Someone should have told him not to buy anything from a stand at the exit of the Dueling Dragons ride...

Yes, I still have it, we're still pretty good friends and I like to
send a picture of it to him every once and awhile
4. One year I....ate so much Pumpkin pie and candy I got sick, thats been about 15 years ago and I haven't had a bite of pumpkin pie since then
5. I think the worst gift to give is....jewlery, unless I have gone into the store and picked it out myself.
6. At Christmastime I typically....park myself on the couch and watch Its a Wonderful Life as many times as possible.
7. Typically, family Christmas....involves a lot of wine, our karaoke machine and some sort of trivia game that we ban my grandma from playing. That woman knows everything and it is completely unfair to the other teams if she is playing, she typically stands off to the side and mumbles the answers under her breath.
8. If I could change one thing about the Holiday season....all companies would give their employees 2 weeks off like John Deere does. I miss being in college and having a whole month to do nothing but sleep until noon and drink with my roommates.
9. It is so hard to buy boyfriend, he has everything! He is so bad about going on a huge shopping spree right before Christmas. Last year he mentioned some Hawkeye sweatpants he wanted, and I planned on getting them. Later that week we were at the mall and he was going to buy them, I threw a huge fit in the middle of the store and told him I already got them for him. Well, I had not gotten them, and ended up driving to the store in the middle of the biggest snow storm of the winter just for those stupid sweats.
10. My favorite Christmas tradition is...getting together with friends the weekend before Christmas. We all wear ugly sweaters and go out to the bars.
11. Santa, baby, bring me a car, iPad, St. Bernard Puppy and the perfect swimming suit for my trip to Mexico!

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