
Monday, September 23, 2013

Crockpot Chicken

Happy Monday!!

Yesterday I tackled a whole chicken in the crockpot. I had some leftover veggies from last week that I didn't want to go to waste so I figured this was the perfect solution! I'd never made a whole chicken so I used this recipe as a guide.

My dads girlfriend suggested I stick some butter under the skin in a few places, so I did that but I couldn't tell ya if it made a difference haha. Instead of adding all of the spices onto the chicken, I went pretty simple and just seasoned with salt and pepper. I also added celery and ended up cooking it for about 7 hours on low and turned it up to high for one more hour...I was really nervous about it being undercooked! It turned out super good, and after Kendal and I get our fill of leftover chicken I'll use the rest to make some chicken noodle soup this week.

I obviously was not thinking like a blogger because this is the only picture I took..Nala was begging to go on a walk so I rushed! Clearly that walk wore the little princess out and she spent the rest of Sunday snoozing on my lap:)

Have a great week, hopefully this Fall weather sticks around!! I pinky promise I'll get more pictures of my next masterpiece! 

1 comment:

  1. I will have to try this! Its to hard to come home and cook a good healthy meal sometimes! I really need to befriend my crockpot :)

